Nandos Lunch (Boem with Mr Amarpreet Basi)
From auspices of finance and technology
Like itchy itchy itchy itch
The vegetarian is screwed
Finally mastication and ingestion subside
But once we cross the mezzanine
Ahhh the old tale rolls on...
Five individuals walk steadily
Towards an eatery which quite readily
Provides, a forum, a tangential menagerie.
Four carnivores and one infidel
Hunger to quell and anecdotes to tell
We join a snaking line-up
Pondering orders and making rhymes up
Like itchy itchy itchy itch
Can't stand that chicken witch
The service is making us twitch
Smile and bring me my sandwich!
The vegetarian is screwed
He's the last one to get his food
The meat eaters produce sounds erogenous
As they tuck into pounds of bird flesh oleaginous
Finally mastication and ingestion subside
All parties gastronomically supplied
Their wanting souls, engorged, revived
Debates of chickens willies spring alive!
But once we cross the mezzanine
We're sadder then we've ever been
Into the bowels of our foul employer and enemy
I scowl: Nandos is all but a soiled memory
Ahhh the old tale rolls on...
Friday ends like a gliding swan
Weekend free time is available
Ponder what will be on next Friday's table...